Quiet Title

When we lived in the house it was surrounded by forest, with a long unpaved driveway leading through the woods to the school bus stop. Growing up, my sisters and I heard voices, saw lights and dreamed of other beings. My mother and I shared a recurring dream of strangers on the driveway, where stonewalls marked the old main road through town. Our dreams and our memories converged into one experience, the experience of living in a haunted house. After the sale of the property in 2001, my recurring dreams returned and the question emerged - were we the ones now haunting the house? When I ask my father about the past, he answers with the Theory of Relativity, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and the speed of light. He dreams of being on a distant star, with a telescope powerful enough to show him how things used to be. Just as we perceive the moon, as it was 1.2 seconds ago and the sun, as it existed 8 minutes ago, great distances allow us an opportunity to look back in time.

Genre: Documentaire


Réalisateur: Alina Taalman

Pays: United States

Durée: 39 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2015

Quiet Title (2015) - IMDb  6