Al Simmons: I Collect Rocks

Wildly popular entertainer, inventor of astounding gadgets, and all around nutty guy Al Simmons delivers a big dose of daffy to your DVD player. Continuing in Al’s tradition of offbeat unpredictability here’s one hour of wackiness that can't fail to delight. Loopy vaudeville-inspired routines connect six madcap music videos mixing adult and children’s humour. The result is entertainment we can all enjoy. This is truly a tour-de-force of ingenious, charming silliness.

Genre: Familial

Jeter: Al Simmons

Réalisateur: Karl Simmons

Pays: Canada

Durée: 55 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2005

Al Simmons: I Collect Rocks (2005) - IMDb  6