
The story of Aniccam follows an ivory smuggler, a crooked policeman, and Narith, a young construction worker running away into the night with a mysterious suitcase, coveted by everyone that sees it. Inspired by the rapid evolution of Sihanoukville, a fishing village turned into the next Macao of South East Asia as a result of Chinese investment, Aniccam (Khmer for ‘impermanence’) straddles the tension between cultural alienation and belonging, and the muddiness of individual betterment in a climate of economic colonialism.


Jeter: Van Darith, Ong Marady, Sisowath Ellrarath

Réalisateur: Alexandre Do


Durée: 18 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2020

Aniccam (2020) - IMDb  6