Phantom RAF - Der ungelöste Fall Herrhausen

On November 30, 1989, Alfred Herrhausen, CEO of Deutsche Bank, set off in his armored limousine for Frankfurt. At 8:34 a.m., the attack took place. Herrhausen, a top manager with threat level one, was killed instantly. Near the scene of the crime: paper with RAF emblem. Hidden in the bushes: the detonating mechanism of a bomb. An unprecedented, technically sophisticated attack. To this day, the case raises questions: Who were the perpetrators? Why was Herrhausen targeted? To what extent are international terrorist groups involved in the case?

Genre: Documentaire




Durée: 45 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2019

Phantom RAF - Der ungelöste Fall Herrhausen (2019) - IMDb  6