Pinocchio Pipenose Household Dilemma

With his Pinocchio Pipenose Household Dilemma, Paul McCarthy shows that interfaces don't always have to be a complicated business. Contact with the world of this American artist is established by dressing in red & yellow coveralls, enormous red plastic shoes and a mask with a long tube for a nose. Dressed in this low tech interface the audience can see on video how another Pinocchio - Paul McCarthy himself - covers himself in ketchup and chocolate paste. -http://v2.nl/archive/works/pinocchio-pipenose-household-dilemma



Réalisateur: Paul McCarthy

Pays: France, United States

Durée: 45 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 1994

Pinocchio Pipenose Household Dilemma (1994) - IMDb  6