Porque não sou o Giacometti do Século XXI

“Since 2011, as an author and in a frantic and committed fashion, I record music and dance expressions of various kinds all over the country. From a great conversation with film director Inês Oliveira, who followed my work for a while, I raise fundamental questions in this film: Why do I do what I do? What is this all about? What are the relationships with the people? What differentiates me from scientific work? What is tradition?” — Tiago Pereira.

Genre: Documentaire

Jeter: Tiago Pereira

Réalisateur: Tiago Pereira

Pays: France, Portugal

Durée: 52 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2015

Porque não sou o Giacometti do Século XXI (2015) - IMDb  6