Thomas der Hochspringer

For Thomas, it’s all about sport. The young high-jumper sticks to the uncompromising training and dietary regime at a sports camp. We soon learn that this is creating an unhealthy situation – to put it mildly. It’s clear from the start that there’s something very wrong in this boy’s life. Not only does he regularly lock himself away to self-harm, or practise leaving a voice-mail for his absent father – the military-style control exercised by his mother, Margot, is absolutely suffocating. Both for Thomas, and for the viewer.

Genre: Drame, Comédie

Jeter: Max Poerting

Réalisateur: Leri Matehha

Pays: Germany

Durée: 92 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2020

Thomas der Hochspringer (2020) - IMDb  6