Visão 2013 para Roberto Piva

A subversive take on the urban symphonies of the past, with anti echoes to São Paulo, Symphony of a Metropolis (1929) by Adalberto Kemeny and Rudolpho Rex Lustig was inspired by Walter Ruttmann’s classic Berlin, Symphony of a City (1927). This short film by Bettim & Coelho pays tribute to Piva in relation to the Brazilian city. A tribute to a poet who is missed, but also a visual and sonic epitome of explosions, nightlife and rock, which is also invoked through the self-portrait, the frantic exploration of the city and its lights.

Genre: Documentaire


Réalisateur: Priscyla Bettim

Pays: Brazil

Durée: 3 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2018

Visão 2013 para Roberto Piva (2018) - IMDb  6