XXL NAZARE: Scooby Facing His Biggest Fears | RISK VS REWARD

Brazil’s Pedro ‘Scooby’ Vianna risks everything the moment he hits the water at Nazaré. But what is everything? Risk vs Reward explores Scooby’s upbringing in Brazil and how surfing paved the way for a new life for himself and his family. Becoming a major figure in the world of big wave surfing, Scooby reflects on a nearly life-changing accident at Nazare and what it took to face and overcome his fears.

Genre: Documentaire

Jeter: Pedro Scooby, Rodrigo Coxa, Pacheco

Réalisateur: Alex Laurel


Durée: 16 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2021

XXL NAZARE: Scooby Facing His Biggest Fears | RISK VS REWARD (2021) - IMDb  6