
Using his family members and friends as cast, independent filmaker Fumiki Watanabe has brought a drama to the screen which opens a window into the daily lives of modern Japanese living in provincial towns. In the story, (Fumiki is a tutor to junior high students. In Japan, the pressure on pre-college-age students to excel in their studies is so intense that after-school tutors have a very important role in the culture, and tutoring is a respected full-time profession. The tutor is bored with his marriage, and has a liaison with the parent of one of his girl students. At the same time, his son is going out with his new mistress' girl, and as a result of this, the situation rapidly becomes very confusing, and Fumiko is unable to hide this pecadillo satisfactorily.

Genre: Drame

Jeter: Fumiki Watanabe

Réalisateur: Fumiki Watanabe

Pays: Japan

Durée: 118 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 1990

島国根性 (1990) - IMDb  5