

Student Mizuki Sakurazaka looks like a boy and is treated like a prince at her all female Seinoibara High School. She also leads the all girl rock band Burauerozen. They regularly perform at a venue that allows only women. Akira Shiraishi is a student at the all male Kaizan High School. He's treated like a princess at his school because of his feminine face. Akira then sneaks in to watch Burauerozen. He confesses his love to Mizuki...

Genre: Comédie, Romance, Drame, Musique

Jeter: Ito Ohno

Réalisateur: Sakurako Fukuyama

Pays: Japan

Durée: 91 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2012

愛を歌うより俺に溺れろ! (2012) - IMDb  6.8