Lou. Dantzan jo ta ke, oinak lehertu nahian

Lou Olangua was one of the first female voices in the 1980s rock. She was the singer of bands such as Humedecidos, OK Korral and Las Lagartas; but she did not only put her voice: her attitude radiated power on stage. It was pure provocation. The documentary talks about the place that women occupied in the 80's, and also about the Basque language and the aesthetics. It is about a groundbreaking social and cultural reference.

Genre: Documentaire


Réalisateur: Izotz Barrio

Pays: Spain

Durée: 59 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2019

Lou. Dantzan jo ta ke, oinak lehertu nahian (2019) - IMDb  6