자매덮밥: 처제사냥

Tired of married life, the husband turns to his brother-in-law family who is staying at home an a long business trip. The husband, who only washed his fingers for no reason, attracts Casanova to encourage his brother-in-law's affair. In addition, he planned to lay down his brother-in-law's house as bait, but as things went wrong, his wife fell into Casanova's hands. The husband can't let go of his anger. When he confessed that to his sister-in-law and threatened to divorce, she said she would do anything for her good sister. The husband, who suddenly got a double income, slowly zips down, hiding his joy.

Genre: Drame, Romance

Jeter: Seung Ha, Ha Neul, Sang Woo, James

Réalisateur: Nam Jung-ho

Pays: South Korea

Durée: 78 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2021

자매덮밥: 처제사냥 (2021) - IMDb  6